Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Originally written April 20, 2008

How could I not remember to tell you that my Head Flight Attendant’s name was Boom-boom? Regardless of how she (yes, she) spells it, that’s what she announced over the speaker system—there was no mistaking it. Of course there was a snicker at the back of the plane, but thank goodness—after hearing someone snicker out loud, I didn’t feel so bad that my eyes had betrayed my surprise and amusement.

I do believe that I did my good deed when boarding the plane the second time this morning (yes, I boarded twice—engine problems and then testing had us deplane). Getting comfy for take-off, I noticed that the girl that had been sitting next to me was still missing, but her bags still on board. They had told us to leave our carry-ons as we were not going to be deplaned for long, so I knew she’d be back, but from the looks of it, the attendants were preparing to leave. Shy as I can be (especially at early hours of the morning, dealing with second bouts of morning breath) I managed to signal one of the attendants and drew her attention to the empty seat. It was only then that they decided to do a head count of passengers. Turns out my aisle-mate wasn’t the only one missing. Everyone arrived shortly afterwards, and while I’m sure someone would have noticed before take-off, I was content to believe that I had saved some travellers a little grief of being excluded from our flight.

While some may dream of discovering the love of their life sitting next to them on the plane, I have come to dream of discovering an empty seat next to me on the plane. When is it ever sexy to snore on a stranger’s shoulder, future love or not?

I want to write so much more. It's only 11pm Santa Barbara time, but my body's not fooled--it's really 2am at home. I spent the evening stuffing my face full of oh-so-yummy Italian food (best bruschetta e.v.e.r.!) and then came back to the hotel to do a bit of work, pack my bags, and respond to email.

One of my emails tonight--which is a little why I'm so mentally drained--was a break-up email. It was hard to write, and every word felt like it hurt. I can only hope that there can be understanding, if not support.

This is a new direction, but I will miss the Tigers Organization dearly--I'm really always going to be a Tiger at heart.


IANW said...

I understand.

melody said...

Understand being a Tiger at heart? How noble, considering you were never a Tiger...unless as our biggest secret fan! ;)